Twisted Brother Studio joins MAGE Company

ATHENS, Greece (14 November, 2016) -  MAGE Company is proud to announce partnering with Twisted Brothers Studio for the development of its games. 

"MAGE Company is thrilled to partner with Twisted Brothers, and aims to have a fresh air brought to its game development", mentioned Alexander Argyropoulos, General Manager of MAGE Company. 

"Twisted Brothers Studio is really happy to announce it has joined the MAGE Company Family. We are a game developing studio with real passion and love for the boardgame industry. We have been gamers for many years, long before we ever thought we would work on this industry. We are proud and really excited to work for MAGE Company and promise to raise even higher the high quality standards that they have set in the past.", Twisted Brothers noted. 

Through this collaboration, MAGE Company aims to bring gaming to a higher level. "We have high hopes for this partnership. Game rulebooks will be more consistent and the Brothers will give their best to combine fun and solid mechanics in all our projects.", said Alexander Argyropoulos.

The opinion of the gamers seems to matter a lot to the Twisted Brothers Studio. "When we provide you with the final product we want to be certain that you are satisfied with the result.", they confirm. 

The collaboration between MAGE Company and the Twisted Brothers Studio started not long ago: "Our first project as part of MAGE Company was the rules for Carrotia’s expansions that were Kickstarted recently. Also during the past few weeks we have been working hard on the 2.0 version of Aether Captains. We are really proud with the result of our work and we hope that you will share in our enthusiasm once you play the game.", the Studio said. 

"Right now they are working hard on 12 Realms: Dungeonland, one of our biggest projects yet. We have high hopes for this one and I am sure that along with Twisted Brothers we will give you the best experience possible.", Alexander Argyropoulos mentions.


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