Starframe on Kickstarter

Kickstarter pre-launch link: 

Starframe is a tactical, action-focused deck-building game for 1-4 players.

Starframe Station has been caught in a black hole. All souls aboard are in peril. Luckily, a mysterious being referred to as Sekhem, has arrived aboard the Station and is offering salvation. In Sekhem’s possession is a prototype engine capable of bending space-time which allows any ship that uses it to escape the black hole.
But there’s a catch…
The engine isn’t powerful enough to transport the Station… only a single Starframe Ship. Sekhem will sell the engine to the highest bidder, but only accepts payment in the form of Hyper-Matter, which must be earned before the Station reaches the Event Horizon.
As Starframe Station hurdles close to its doom Heroes will compete to:
  • Build their own Starframe Ships
  • Defend the Station against foes trying to steal the engine
  • Scavenge Hyper-Matter from nearby planets
  • Traverse the Abyss for larger caches of Hyper-Matter

It’s a race against the clock to win the auction and escape the Black Hole.
For everyone else…the depths of the Black Hole await.


You can watch an animated story video here:

Overview of the game:


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